Incident Report
This form is provided as a part of the Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression Hotline.  The purpose of the Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Hotline is to report RACIAL INCIDENTS that can be expressed in the form of, unfair treatment, injustice, and or discrimination.
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Full Name *
Phone # *
Email *
Terms and Condition

IPRA Guidelines
The ARAO Hotline follows the Inspection of Public Records Act (IPRA) and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please click on the links below to get additional information. 
Do we have consent to share your email with the school principal and district superintendent to research the incident?   *
In order for the Anti-Racism, Anti-Oppression Hotline to conduct research on a reported incident, we must have your consent to share all the information provided with appropriate school personnel. 
Relationship with the person involved in incident *
Ethnic Background *
School Type *
School Environment *
Reason for Call *
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